In 2021 the Taiwan National Development Council launched its Bilingual 2030 initiative “to boost the competitiveness of Taiwan’s young generation to enable the next generation to enjoy better job and salary opportunities.”

In support of this in 2022 Enhance Taiwan Consulting Co. embarked upon a project to open the first English as a Second Language (ESL) school of its kind in Taipei following a successful model operating in Europe.

This system uses a unique teaching approach which is 80% practical and only 20% theoretical. This hands-on approach to learning English ensures the students rapidly become CONFIDENT and ADEPT in the USE of the language. The school boasts the ability to bring beginning students through to a level of competence sufficient to pass an accredited language exam (Cambridge, TOEIC, TOEFL, etc.) within 6-9 months of continuous study.

This will be the first time this teaching system has appeared in Asia.

Preparations are now underway to train teaching and administrative personnel to begin delivery to a select group of students, in order to iron out any organizational bugs, before the school opens to the public in earnest.

The pilot course will continue until the end of 2022 and the school is forecast to officially open in December of this year.

Some interesting facts about English. Did you know that:

  • 2 billion people around the world already use English to communicate?
  • English contain more than 1,025,000 words? However, the average Englishman actively uses only about 20,000 words.
  • English is the dominant business language and has become a necessity for people who want to enter the international labour market. Cross-border business communication most often takes place in English.
  • English developed under the influence of raids by various tribes, and each of them brought a new “bag of words” into the language. So there are more terms for one thing (Germanic, Norman, French, Latin, Celtic, etc.). Therefore, English has a much larger vocabulary than other languages.
  • English is a so-called “living language”. About 4,000 new English words are created each year.
  • 56 countries in the world use English as the national official language.
  • There are about 7,000 different languages in the world. However, you can speak English almost everywhere in the world.
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